Pro Tips for Pro Results
For startups or small to medium size taxi companies, outsourcing taxi calls to a contact center might be alluring, especially when you consider the savings growth boost. We’ll cover a profile of Pac Biz as what makes a good taxi contact center and some pro tips that will help you make the right choice.
1. Extensive Transportation Industry Experience
First off the list is deep experience. The kind of experience that lets the contact center anticipate the needs of the client and use resources more efficiently to this goal.
Pac Biz has this kind of experience in the transportation industry as Eric Mulvin, the CEO, had actually started his own taxi company over ten years ago, Tru Cab, and pivoted to providing contact center services to taxi fleets and personal transportation companies with Pac Biz. Also Tru Cab, at the time, pioneered the use of Android tablets in taxis.
Eric tells more of his experience and interest in business in a new podcast telling the story of Pac Biz from the very beginning available on SoundCloudSpotify>, ivoox, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast.
2. Aligned Core Values
3. Open Channels of Communication
4. System Compatibility
5. Made to Scale
Outsourcing Taxi Calls with Pac Biz
Let’s Get in Touch
Eric Mulvin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder + CEO of Pac Biz