5 Pro Tips for Outsourcing Taxi Calls to a Contact Center

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Pro Tips for Pro Results

For startups or small to medium size taxi companies, outsourcing taxi calls to a contact center might be alluring, especially when you consider the savings growth boost. We’ll cover a profile of Pac Biz as what makes a good taxi contact center and some pro tips that will help you make the right choice.

1. Extensive Transportation Industry Experience

First off the list is deep experience. The kind of experience that lets the contact center anticipate the needs of the client and use resources more efficiently to this goal.

Pac Biz has this kind of experience in the transportation industry as Eric Mulvin, the CEO, had actually started his own taxi company over ten years ago, Tru Cab, and pivoted to providing contact center services to taxi fleets and personal transportation companies with Pac Biz. Also Tru Cab, at the time, pioneered the use of Android tablets in taxis.

Eric tells more of his experience and interest in business in a new podcast telling the story of Pac Biz from the very beginning available on SoundCloudSpotify>ivooxApple Podcast, and Google Podcast.

2. Aligned Core Values

Doing business with another firm isn’t just about the terms of the contract but also their core values. Having a core set of values helps establish and maintain trust between the contact center and the client. Integrity and trustworthiness in the business relationship helps in the big things as well as the smaller day-to-day.

Let’s look at Pac Biz’s core values: CompassionFamilyRespectTeamworkPersonal Growth, and Professionalism. These core values animate and guide business decisions from hiring, firing, training, and coaching employees. These values also underpin the focus Pac Biz gives to the customer experience.

How does this help the bottom line? It helps by reducing employee turnover. Attrition is one of the biggest reasons why others in the industry have inconsistent quality. This is solved by the core values-based decision making by Pac Biz.

3. Open Channels of Communication

To connect and share experiences helps with making better business decisions. Having open channels of communication between the contact center and the client outsourcing taxi calls minimizes misunderstanding and perceptions of loss of control. There are many ways it can be done.

With Pac Biz, it’s done by assigning each account a dedicated account manager. The account manager is the client liaison to ensure client standards and requirements are adhered to. Account managers are also part of company meetings so they can better inform clients with insights on the floor.

Another open channel of communication with Pac Biz is access to the owners of the company like Eric Mulvin, available at any time.

4. System Compatibility

Another tip that’ll save you from a lot of friction is to look into the compatibility of the contact center with your existing systems and the support they’ll extend, if any. System compatibility can be a sticking point that slows down integration and creates opportunity costs if left unaccounted for. How? Incompatible systems might be slower and lose data in the process, or might not work at all with you, or the agents involved may make costly mistakes.

A Pac Biz advantage that prevents that is that the dedicated training department works with the top systems. There’s plenty of familiarity with possible protocols, and the agents can adapt to new systems as well as consult on the best one for their assigned taxi company if there isn’t any yet.

5. Made to Scale

Scalability is the final consideration with your relationship to a contact center. Why? Scalability determines if the contact center can grow with you and keep up with demand as your fleet operations grow. Choosing the right one that can continue year on year is better than having to keep changing service providers and having to adjust and readjust continuously.

Outsourcing Taxi Calls with Pac Biz

With the challenges of hiring, training, regulatory rules on employment, and more, there is a need for taxi calls outsourcing.

Pac Biz has distinguished itself in the transportation industry, specifically with taxi companies and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation companies. The Pac Biz Advantage for these companies is that they can provide high quality while keeping costs and headaches down.

Get yourself the Pac Biz Advantage and grow the right way right away.

Eric Mulvin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder & CEO of
Pac Biz Outsourcing

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz Outsourcing, and we are happy to work with you in solving your company’s challenges – whether you’re an ecommerce business, or a professional that needs a virtual executive assistant, we have talented agents ready to serve your needs. 

Our sales team is free to go over the potential that exists with scaling your company and and helping it thrive through improved workflows and delivering excellent customer experiences. 

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