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Outsourcing to The Philippines 2023: Tips for Hiring Virtual Assistants, Customer Support & Other Remote Workers

How to Guide: Tips for Hiring Virtual Assistants, Customer Support & Other Remote Workers in The Philippines

Customer service and back office jobs are oftentimes outsourced to contact centers. You’d be surprised at how many businesses of all sizes outsource. Outsourcing to the Philippines maximizes profits while improving quality.

Let’s explore why.

Top Reasons for Outsourcing to The Philippines

Cost Effective

Businesses in The United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, and Australia cut operation costs significantly when they outsource aspects of their business operations that can be done remotely.

English Proficiency

English is taught from grade school and throughout the educational journey as a standard part of curriculum.

Skilled Talent Pool

The Philippines is home to some of the best colleges and universities in Asia, yielding a growing demographic of highly skilled and educated professionals ready to work.

Hard Working Culture

The difficulties in finding and retaining local applicants and employees has been a struggle since COVID. Outsourcing has boomed to compensate, making it easy for companies to scale operations without the headache of recruiting. Contact centers, like Pac Biz Contact Center Outsourcing, provide agents with support and resources to stay motivated and reach performance goals.


Internet connection in The Philippines is in the top tier or Southeast Asian countries. This makes for a seamless extension of your company’s operations.

International Regulations

Contact centers in The Philippines are bound by privacy laws and regulations to upkeep standards parallel to those in The United States and other westernized countries. For example, Pac Biz is certified for HIPAA compliance and serves medical and healthcare companies that need to protect patient information.

Top Positions to Outsource to Remote Teams

Customer Support

Many companies regularly receive a high volume of calls, chats, emails, or inquiries through other channels of communication with the business. When calls are missed, or answered with a late response, the company may suffer and miss opportunities.

Revolutionizing the Transportation Industry with Philippine-Based Customer Service and Satisfaction


Transportation companies work with offshore contact centers for dispatching rides and working with software.

Virtual Assistants

Skilled and experienced agents are able to do back office work like fill spreadsheets, send emails, make appointments, and take on any tasks that can be done remotely.

Maximizing Productivity: How Virtual Assistant Services Revolutionize Your Workflow

Choosing the Right Outsourcing Partner

Extending your team to a global level with Pac Biz Outsourcing allows you to grow your business (add 130+ agents at a time) while adhering to your high standards. Schedule time with us to go over your needs and how we can help you with 24/7 support teams and virtual assistants.

Pac Biz Outsourcing is an American-owned contact center serving The United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, and Australia.

Eric Mulvin

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder + CEO of Pac Biz

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz, and we are happy to solve your company’s pain points in customer support and business operations. We have contact center agents ready to serve your needs.

I am free to go over the potential that exists with making your company thrive through improved workflows and better management of support.

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