Offering Chat Booking and Support via Taxi Call Centers

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Chat Support for Increased Conversion? It’s Possible

Inexpensive, proactive, immediate — these are only a few of the advantages that chat support and booking hold when it comes to carrying customer experience and, in turn, conversion rates. Chat support can become an important tool for success when used effectively, and it can even help in identifying potential customers, giving you an opportunity to engage with them at a crucial time: when they’re about to make a decision to either buy from you or walk away.

Here’s how effective chat support coupled with better customer experience can increase your conversion rates for your taxi business:

Real-time Support

Real-time chat support and booking has been found to be a big win for companies. With website chat integration, it makes it easier and faster for customers to reach out to agents regarding complaints or other concerns.

According to recent data, approximately 69% of shoppers in the US prefer live chats to chatbot support. And interestingly, customers spend about more than 60% when they use live chat.

For taxi and transportation companies, outsourcing chat support has markedly helped streamline their operations, especially tasks that concern customer support, where they are the first point of contact for customers and even dispatchers.

Learn more about it here: Streamline Taxi Outsourcing Call & Chat Support

Greater Convenience

Chat support isn’t only convenient for the customer, it’s also a big hand for business owners. It’s a more proactive approach to handling your customers’ concerns, providing support and removing confusion. In the end, it helps build confidence and trust between your business and your customers.

That’s when outsourcing specialists such as Pac Biz can help. When you choose to outsource customer support and dispatching services for taxi and transportation companies, our experienced transportation specialists will handle everything from hiring and training up to supervising.

Read more: Outsourcing Dispatching for Taxi & NEMT companies

Simultaneous Problem Solving

Live chat support offers immediate help, unlike emailing. It’s a great way to help solve the customer’s problems, and in turn leading to conversion rates. This feature significantly adds benefit for your company, since customers tend to purchase or avail products and services when their concerns are addressed on the spot.

With a well-spoken representative, they might even be persuaded to find different products and avail them too (cross-selling). Make you customers feel valued with prompt problem-solving and instant solutions.

Get Top-of-the-Line Chat Support with Pac Biz

Have you decided to get chat support for your business yet? When you choose to work with Pac Biz, you’ll be provided with dedicated agents, IT support, quality assurance, and more. Learn more about our services here. See how we can help you today, and contact us to get started.

Eric Mulvin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder & CEO of
Pac Biz Outsourcing

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz Outsourcing, and we are happy to work with you in solving your company’s challenges – whether you’re an ecommerce business, or a professional that needs a virtual executive assistant, we have talented agents ready to serve your needs. 

Our sales team is free to go over the potential that exists with scaling your company and and helping it thrive through improved workflows and delivering excellent customer experiences. 

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