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What is a Taxi Dispatch Call Center?

Looking to scale your operations immediately?

Pac Biz will help you get started easily. Enter your email to get a quote.

What is a Taxi Dispatch Call Center?

Taxi Dispatch Call Center is a professional company that handles dispatching rides to contracted or employed drivers from inbound customer calls (texts, chats, emails, etc.) of taxi or transportation businesses.

Do You Need a Taxi Dispatch Call Center?

Outsourcing Taxi Calls & Dispatching

Agents of a Taxi Dispatch Call Center are able to answer incoming customer inquiries, quote wait times, dispatch drivers, schedule rides, and more. They handle customer needs in real time, with the ability to track their ride progress or contact drivers, and more.

Scaling operations quickly and cost-effectively in-house can be a challenge when minimum wage is on the rise and quality employees are few and hard to find. As demand increases, missed calls and long wait times for customers trying to book a ride leaves taxi and transportation operation teams feeling the pressure to continually hire and supervise support staff, while maintaining standards and cost-effectiveness.

For this reason, transportation companies all over the world are outsourcing their customer support and dispatching to taxi dispatch call centers, like Pac Biz.

Tasks a Taxi Dispatch Call Center Take On:

  • Dispatching 
  • Scheduling
  • Phone Support
  • Text Support
  • Chat Support
  • Email Support
  • Social Media Support
  • More!

Where Do You Start?

When you need a taxi call answering service, how do you know what is the right taxi dispatch call center for your company?

  • Experienced in Transportation Industry Outsourcing
  • Quality Assurance 
  • Customer Experience (CX) Experts
  • Works with Your Dispatch System

Pac Biz Works With Taxi Transportation Companies

For call center services, dispatching, and other services for transportation, Pac Biz assists taxi companies in The United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia in handling customer support, 24/7. With the help of Pac Biz, you’re able to grow your profit margin by up to 400% all while offering an excellent customer experience.

If you’re interested in working with Pac Biz, contact us.

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