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Remote Patient Care through Live Call & Chat Support (Healthcare Customer Support Outsourcing)

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Are your patients getting the service they deserve?

No matter the service you are offering, you have a responsibility to provide the patients you work with an experience that keeps them coming back or happy to refer you to others. The customer service you offer can make all the difference.

Do You Need Live Remote Patient Care?

The larger your operation or organization becomes, the more intricate your needs (and the needs of your patients and partners) get. Scaling your operations consists of breaking up your workflow into different departments and specialties.

Hospitals, Medical Offices, & Facilities

Medical establishments all over the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia outsource many tasks to experienced contact support agents. Whether you are a medical facility looking for a specialist to book appointments for patients or manage discharge actions, or a medical equipment supplier needing to verify insurance or other patient information, Pac Biz can help with any tasks that can be done remotely.

  • Setting appointments
  • Verifying existing appointments
  • Follow-Ups
  • Qualify calls for transfer to appropriate provider
  • Insurance Information Collection
  • Discharge Management & Assistance
  • Medical transportation arrangements for patients
  • Answer questions about services or products
  • Patient chat support
  • Data Entry & Report Development
  • Ecommerce Support
  • More!

It’s difficult to hire and maintain staff to answer calls and chats at high standards, and many front office clerks are so busy with many other tasks besides calls and chat inquiries, causing long waits or missed calls, where patients move on to the next company. They may also be unable to help patients in a timely manner that are in-office because of having to deal with calls.

Outsourced support services allow companies to cost-effectively provide patients with a pleasant overall experience. Practitioners and admin staff concentrate on their valuable workload and eliminate the hardships of getting coverage for your in-house support employees quitting, calling in sick, no-shows, weekends, and holidays.

Many medical related companies work with specialized contact centers to work as an extension of their local team, where they can have some support agents in-house and some outsourced. Contact center agents work to exceed your standards and report to meetings just as any remote employee would.

As you grow, easily add multiple agents that are trained at your standards through Pac Biz’s premium training department. It’s never been so easy to scale!

Interested in learning more about outsourcing customer, patient, and provider support needs? Pac Biz is ready to take inbound calls, chat, email, social media messages and more for your healthcare related company.

Eric Mulvin
Founder, Owner of Pac Biz

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz, and we are happy to solve your healthcare company’s pain points in customer support. We have contact center agents ready to serve your needs, with many being former nurses, able to handle your healthcare related support.

I am free to go over the potential that exists with making your healthcare service or product company thrive through improved workflows and better management of support.

Eric Mulvin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder & CEO of
Pac Biz Outsourcing

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz Outsourcing, and we are happy to work with you in solving your company’s challenges – whether you’re an ecommerce business, or a professional that needs a virtual executive assistant, we have talented agents ready to serve your needs. 

I am free to go over the potential that exists with scaling your company and and helping it thrive through improved workflows and delivering excellent customer experiences. 

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