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Customer Service Week: Pac Biz is a Great Place to Work!

Celebrating Our Agents This Customer Service Week

In an industry where we’ve become accustomed to customer inquiries being answered conveniently and efficiently, and where customer experience has become top priority, it’s easy to forget the amazing people behind this important role.

Customer Service Week celebrates the important role of customer service professionals in businesses worldwide. It’s a time to recognize and appreciate the efforts of these incredible individuals. Their hard work, dedication, and commitment to customer care play a pivotal role in ensuring a company’s success.

Customer Service Week

Customer Service Week is an annual event every first week of October. During this time, companies globally recognize all the efforts used to provide great service and to show that they value those contributions.

This event’s been sponsored by the Customer Service Group for over three decades. Their website and eNewsletter is a source of information, updates, and weekly news on how to recognize and reward employees/teams during this important week and throughout the year.

Customer Service Week and Great Place to Work Certified

Pac Biz Outsourcing: Great Place to Work Certified

With increased options and higher expectations from consumers, companies have to continue to step up their game. One company that stands out in this regard is Pac Biz Outsourcing.

Pac Biz is an outsourcing company that specializes in providing top-notch customer service and support solutions to transportation companies, healthcare offices, online stores, and more. What sets them apart is their commitment to build a positive work environment for their employees, which led to them becoming a Great Place to Work.

Great Place to Work Certification is a prestigious recognition that’s given to organizations that meet specific criteria related to workplace culture and employee satisfaction. Pac Biz understands that its employees are the backbone of its success, prioritizing a nurturing work environment where team members feel valued, empowered, and motivated.

Employee Empowerment

At Pac Biz, employees are encouraged to make decisions and share ideas. Teamwork and Personal Growth are part of our core values which we share among our teams and clients alike. Providing them with extensive training and vaping them as individuals, agents are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to find their potential, thereby finding the company’s potential.

Pac Biz also has a comprehensive rewards and recognition program, which includes incentives, bonuses, and opportunities for professional growth.

Support isn’t just for our partner companies, but for the people who keep Pac Biz afloat!

Open Communication

Open lines of communication is essential at Pac Biz. This encourages employees to voice out what they need to say and still have an ear that listens. This not only fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation, but also Compassion — another important core value.

Work–Life Balance

Pac Biz knows that the need for a healthy work–life balance and promoting flexible work arrangements is essential. Pac biz understands that the happier their employees are, the more productive they are and actively provides better customer service.

We continuously strive to bring a little bit of home life to work — organizing fun events for the Pac Biz kids, encouraging employees to bring their families to gatherings and office festivities, and even putting together outreach programs for the communities around us.

*A Huge Thank You from Pac Biz

A Huge Thank You from Pac Biz

Simply put, we can’t be the company we are today without the hard work and talents of our teams. Now more than ever, we recognize and celebrate the dedication of every single one of our employees. We can only say that we’re privileged to have such an awesome team here at Pac Biz.

From all of us, thank you for making our company a Great Place to Work, and have the best Customer Service Week!

Eric Mulvin

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder + CEO of Pac Biz

Eric Mulvin

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder + CEO of Pac Biz

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz, and we are happy to solve your company’s pain points in customer support. We have the most amazing contact center agents ready to serve your needs.

I am free to go over the potential that exists with making your service company thrive through improved workflows and better management of support.

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