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3 Best Practices to Acquiring Corporate Transportation Clients

3 Ways To Persuade

When it comes to providing Corporate Transportation, building and maintaining a relationship with potential clients is key to success. Corporate clients can catapult growth exponentially for a personal transportation company.

The advantages of a corporate account include a steady source of revenue, and the contractual relationship lends itself to more predictable planning than sudden trends in the larger consumer market.

There’s practically no limit to the number of corporate clients that one can acquire when you nurture their trust with reliable and quality service. With enough impressed clients, there would be momentum as your reputation grows with these best practices for corporate transportation.


The first step is going to be a lot of market research. That is, research needs to be done on establishments whose needs fit with your business. The necessary research could be done with any number of methods but the goal is to build a profile of the potential clients and get to know their needs more accurately.

The next step in outreach is to prepare to present to the high quality leads that you’ve drawn up. This preparation can include promotional items such as matchbooks, pens, promo codes, pamphlets if the target market is in a convention for example. A more direct approach is needed sometimes and a business presentation may need to be set up  with their managers, and even here bring some treats for high value clients. 

How they can be convinced is partly how much you know about potential clients and that’s something the research phase should cover as well. The other part is to really make that connection that your business will serve the needs of their enterprise.

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Corporate Specific Services

Another best practice for corporate transportation clients is having specific services that cater to only corporate clients to sweeten the deal that they get from you. These can be as simple as giving ride dispatch priority to them or exclusive bookings for corporate clients, if it is a more high value client then assign a corporate account manager to really maintain the relationship. The general idea is to provide value that will retain these corporate accounts.

Exclusive services to corporate clients need not be providing extra perks over and above the contract’s value but an important aspect to gaining their loyalty instead would be consistent quality on your side. In other words, retaining clients is all about giving them the best customer experience.

Customer Service Experience

It’s almost a truism to say that you’ll retain more with better customer service and experience, but it’s elemental in corporate transportation customer acquisition and retention. The linchpin in this would be your customer service team.

The customer service experience expected by corporate customers requires professional handling and, here, if you’re unsure with your call center’s team in handling them, then it’s better off to outsource call handling to the professionals.

This also applies in cases where the in-house call center doesn’t have enough capacity to handle all of the corporate client’s concerns. Moreover with lower costs in expanding with outsourcing you can gain an economy of scaling faster.

The Pac Biz Advantage

Pac Biz has extensive experience and expertise in the field of customer experience and service especially with transportation companies. Unlike call center agencies that provide bare minimum and unreliable services, Pac Biz has a set of core values that ensure consistent quality for clients and stakeholders.

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Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz, and we are happy to solve your company’s pain points in customer support. We have contact center agents ready to serve your needs.

I am free to go over the potential that exists with making your booking and dispatching service company thrive through improved workflows and better management of support.

Eric Mulvin

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder + CEO of Pac Biz

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