Navigating the New Normal: The Pac Biz Way

With the Pandemic Around, Pac Biz Has Put Work, Health, and Safety Measures in Place COVID-19 has impacted businesses substantially, causing disruptions in operations and forcing companies to make drastic decisions in the effort towards cost effectiveness. This has become a massive challenge for many, especially those that are yet to attain growth. Navigating the […]
How Outsourcing Can Save Your Business

The increase in the national minimum wage has since caused hardships among companies in the US, UK, and Canada as this adds more to the already high payroll expenses of the business. This may put an additional burden on small to medium enterprises financially, and could actually lead to losses as a result. Before jumping […]
What Businesses Have Learned During COVID-19 – Pac Biz Call Center

Businesses have been greatly impacted by COVID-19. Bouncing back from its effects can prove difficult, but there is a silver lining in the end, as the pandemic has become a learning experience for businesses that want to sustain and scale operations in the long run. HERE’S WHAT BUSINESSES HAVE LEARNED DURING THE COURSE OF THE […]