Women in leadership roles have become more and more prominent these days. It’s no surprise that a lot of women are now in leadership positions, although there is a lot more that can be done in that regard.
Pac Biz CEO Eric Mulvin shared about the Women Empowerment Program which aimed to bring women leaders at Pac Biz to speak in different orphanages in Dumaguete City. Clients were also invited to speak at the workshop with the goal to empower women to follow their passion and use their talents to the fullest extent.
The program was also joined by the Culture Committee at Pac Biz.
Back in March 12, 2020, Karen Cepeda, Sr. Manager of Contact Center Operations for Smashtech gave a talk, detailing her experiences in the leadership role. In the talk, she emphasized the value of education in developing leadership skills regardless of the circumstances one may have to put up with. According to Karen, studying hard will definitely prepare a person in tackling real-world challenges.

Together with Karen, Kiezia Eguia, Company Culture Director, also shared her experience in Pac Biz, inspiring women to be true to themselves regardless of the challenges they may face in following their passion. Women must be willing to take risks and try new things in life.
Pac Biz supervisor Arlene Peculares also shared her own story on her humble beginnings as an agent until she became a supervisor. She stated that some of her strengths was being a “people person” and being caring for her team members.

In the future, Eric and Kiezia will be organizing similar events through Zoom, again with the theme of Women Leadership. It’s the goal of the program to continue empowering women to follow their passion, whatever they may be.
At Pac Biz, everyone is always people-oriented. The development of employees and those outside Pac Biz is what the company is committed to doing. In the coming days, more people will be inspired to reach their goals and attain success in different aspects.
Pac Biz is a 24/7 quality focused call center ran from Phoenix, Arizona but operated out of Dumaguete, Philippines. With over 145 staff and growing, Pac Biz provides support for transportation companies, ecommerce companies and solar companies. Pac Biz provides a dedicated on site account manager, a quality team, 24/7 supervisors, a training team and active US ownership to build long term relationships with our clients.