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PB Cares: Our Dedication to Employee Engagement

How we value our employees

Pac Biz was founded with a mission of employing hard working people in the Philippines. In return for their hard work, we are always looking for ways to make Pac Biz a place that our staff will want to work at for years to come. A big way we do that is with a competitive wage, but there are more ways to show an employee is valued in addition to pay. Below are just a few things we’ve done in our office in the Philippines to make the job a better one. 

Family Events

Just this last Easter, we invited our staff and their families to come to the empty part of our office and do an Easter Egg hunt with all their kids, complete with prizes. 

It was a great opportunity to bring our staff’s family together and the kids were able to see where their parents work to support them!

Welcome Dinners

A Pac Biz tradition is management taking the staff out to eat after they pass their training. 

Sports Events

During a recent visit by Pac Biz owner Eric Mulvin, he was able to meet with and participate in the staff basketball game while his wife Abby joined in on the girls volleyball game.  

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