Contact Centre Outsourcing, An Easy to Digest Guide for the UK
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What the Numbers Say
To get a handle of what this year might bring, it’s a good idea to look at the recent numbers.
According to PA Consulting: “over the next two years, 30% of UK businesses are predicting they’ll outsource more.” This is a sizeable portion of the economy that sees the benefits of outsourcing.
Top Reasons for Outsourcing
A survey that ranks the reasons for outsourcing shows that the top reason is cost reduction (71%), followed by business transformation (50%), and improving service quality (50%). Outsourcing has built a solid reputation for these business benefits.
The Need for Improved Customer Experience
The realities of the pandemic, increasing need for a digital presence, more competitive customer satisfaction, and staffing problems as well as rising costs led to the closure of 390,000 businesses (6.5%). All these are competitive advantages that could have been addressed by contact centre outsourcing.
What is Contact Centre Outsourcing?
In a nutshell, contact centre outsourcing is the set up wherein a separate company handles your customer service interactions for you.
Contact centers and call centers are in the business of not only providing call services but also other channels of communication between you and your customers.
This also includes taking care of hiring, training, and supervising customer service personnel as well as maintaining quality standards such that the client business also outsources those worries and tasks.
And another upside is that outsourcing to the right contact center provides you with tech and customer service expertise that would otherwise cost you a lot to build on your own.
Contact Centre Outsourcing & Choosing the Right Partner
Get to Know Your Contact Center
Constant Communications Contribute
Get to know the specifics that a contact centre can do for you. One of the best ways to do that is to set up a meeting with the company owner, that way you can really get to know and understand what you’re getting into.
Pac Biz is a good example of a contact centre that keeps open lines of communication letting you know the real state of things, and allows for faster response times.
Pac Biz is ready for these in depth discussions to maximize the investment you make in contact centre outsourcing. Make the appointment today.
We’ll set you up for success with Customer Experience (CX) management done right. Request a quote and you’ll get a FREE outsourcing checklist.
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