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Outsource Support to HIPAA Compliant Answering Service

The CDC describes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA, as a federal law for healthcare professionals to uphold. They are in place to protect a patient’s health data from being used or anonymously shared without their consent.

When dealing with patients remotely through phone and chat, it’s important to set up a HIPAA compliant answering service.

Setting up a HIPAA Compliant Answering Service

Healthcare businesses that handle electronic protected health information (ePHI) must be HIPAA compliant. This includes those in healthcare that offer customer service via phone, chat, or email. The contact centers that provide phone and chat answering services, whether in-house or outsourced, must be HIPAA compliant as well.

Why Outsource Your HIPAA Compliant Answering Service

Contact centers have a variety of roles in the field of healthcare. This includes confirming appointments for patients, optimization of workflow, and helping with patient care plans. Having access to this data allows for better customer service.

There are many advantages to outsourcing your HIPAA compliant answering service. One, is that the quality of contact centers are just as good, if not better, because they specialize in remote communication and tasks.

Another advantage is that healthcare providers will have more time for core tasks and have ample support in ensuring their patients get the best care.

A Virtual Medical Receptionist helps scale operations

Getting Started: Outsource a HIPAA compliant Contact Center

Outsourcing your HIPAA compliant answering service may be the best course of action if you want to save on overhead costs, without compromising the quality of services you provide your patients.

There are many ways to choose the best HIPAA compliant contact center for Healthcare Providers. Here are some important points you must consider before partnering with a contact center:

  • Does the contact center have redundant infrastructure to reduce downtime?
  • Is the communications network in the contact center secure?
  • Are safeguards in place to prevent electronic protected health information (ePHI) from being copied or used outside of the contact center?
  • Does the contact center have network protocols in case of a potential breach?
  • Does the contact center include data and password encryption as part of their security measures?

Pac Biz is a HIPAA compliant contact center, with years of experience in customer service. Learn more about this by requesting a quote.

Eric Mulvin

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Founder + CEO of Pac Biz

Let’s Get in Touch

Hi, I’m Eric Mulvin, founder and owner of Pac Biz, and we are happy to solve your company’s pain points in customer or patient support. We have contact center agents ready to serve your needs.

I am free to go over the potential that exists with making your company thrive through improved workflows and better management of support.

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