Episode 26: The Big News (Part 2)

And we’re gonna dig into core values. We’re gonna talk a lot about core values here in the show, and how important that is to building a great culture.

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Eric Mulvin: Welcome back to the contact center cactus chat podcast. I’m your host, Eric Mulvin. And we are here for part two of our conversation with Keizia, our company culture director at Pac-biz welcome back to the show Keisha and welcome back listeners.

Kiezia: Thank you, Eric, for having me. And I’m excited to talk more about company culture.

Eric Mulvin: Yeah. And so today, we’re gonna finish the conversation we started in the last episode. And we’re gonna dig into core values. We’re gonna talk a lot about core values here in the show, and how important that is to building a great culture. So here’s some examples and stories about that. And then we’re going to end the episode talking about some advice for companies that are trying to improve their company culture. So if you’re thinking about making it better, bringing in that great place to work certification, possibly with me and Keizia, we’re going to talk about some advice for you guys on what you can do for your business. So without further ado, let’s get into it ready Keizia?

Kiezia: Ready!

Eric Mulvin: I feel really fortunate that you know, and if you didn’t hear some of the earlier episodes, you might not know this. You know, Keizia is our very first employee we ever hired, now over 10 years ago was just crazy. We got people that have been working with me for that long. But not only that. But yeah, you’ve been directly a company culture from like, just very, very, very early on in the company. And so because of that, because you’ve been there so long, there’s a lot of things that you’ve been able to help, like start traditions and different events that we do. So take me back through the last eight years, what were some of the favorite initiatives or favorite things that you helped launch that you’ve been able to do over the last eight years?

Kiezia: Well I love the how, we updated our core values where everybody got involved. Compared to because we just had it. So that was a big thing. And speak in terms of event, it would be the I like Filipinos like loves to say that it would be the Pac-biz jam, and I’ve seen like I clients would ever, we had that, and then they’re here. Do you really enjoy that? That one?

Eric Mulvin: I agree. Yeah. Pac-biz jam. I’ll never forget the pictures of seeing the staff or not staff, the clients. They’re singing and dancing with you guys, too. And yeah, maybe we could plan some, maybe we should put the schedule out for 2024. And then share it with the client so that they get a chance to come out, because I’m telling you, like, there’s so many people that want to come up to visit. I mean, I think every week, there’s someone that says it. And I know some people are like, yeah, it’d be great to come out. But there’s people that really, really do want to come out. And so be excited to have him come out. But you know, another one of the things I love that we need to bring back because there’s been a little while, sports feast, that was one thing that COVID killed. We were doing that every year, and it’s getting bigger and bigger. The last time we did it, we ended up making custom jerseys. I still have my my jersey for the five year anniversary. And so it’s yeah, it’s time to bring that one back. But any other like awesome ideas that you’ve been able to launch over the last eight years?

Kiezia: I have one favorites, I think is I like making impact personally. So it’s about empowering people to do their cause, you know, partnering with them. So we we’ve launched programs like ecorev and the be a blessing. Because again, I think you kind of do it. It does make a lot of difference when somebody is passionate about it’s their cause and then the company is supporting it. Are you making great impact to the community? Yeah.

Eric Mulvin: Yeah, yep, definitely, I love those stuff

Kiezia: my fulfillment. So I love I love those kinds of impact that they had. And clients can also join us. You know, we have our cartridge partners, and they can join our bike ride with the CEO Eric Mulvin. start biking on the Boulevard. So yeah, that was fine. stuff. So it’s fun. And also with an impact, so

Eric Mulvin: Yeah, I mean, I’m sure it’s pretty rare, even for a company here. You know, like if you were at a business that had 250 employees and you got to do a bike ride with the CEO around town. It’s pretty unique and um, they’re doing that in the Philippines. So But yeah, I love the stuff we get to do. And you know, any, usually any crazy idea that has, it always ties to our core value somehow. And I’m always like, Yeah, let’s try it. Let’s see how it goes. And so glad we’ve been able to be a place to help you bring all these creative ideas to life. So, so we’ve talked a lot about so many different things that we’ve done to help make Pac-biz a culture that it is today. So I hope for all you guys that are listening, that you’ve got a notebook full of ideas that you can take back to your company. And hopefully, it inspired maybe some new ones that we didn’t talk about, but that you’re like, Wow, if I did this in my business, and that my business, and some of the stuff we do doesn’t cost a lot, it might take some time. So there’s some cost there, you got to devote some resources, but but it’s I think it really comes down to taking some kind of effort and making an effort and making it a you know, it can’t be just an afterthought, like, at the end of the year. Oh, shoot, we didn’t do any culture stuff this year, we better put an event on before the end of the year. It can’t be that it has to be like part of everyday part of your company. So for the people listening, Keisha, you know, maybe they’re thinking about, like building up their culture to, you know, they don’t like where their company culture is today. Or maybe they’re like, you know, what, I that’s a good goal, I want to get the great place to work for my business, what advice would you have for those listening, that are getting ready to take on this challenge for their business,

Kiezia: I would advise them to, it definitely starts from the leadership. So good. solid idea actually buy into the idea about having this culture, great culture that you will have, well, one good thing would be encouraging people to be their authentic self, so they can give so much value to the company, and culture will make your business run smoother. So you have to invest in your people.

Eric Mulvin: Yeah, and I, you know, for the business people out here, you know, you might be thinking of like, okay, if I spend this much, what’s my return gonna be, and that’s gonna be really hard to measure. And the impact is so big, because if you’re just looking at like your turnover rate, you’re not going to see the cost savings in training, because now you don’t have to train so many people, you’re not going to see the cost savings in the the resources it takes to hire all those people all the time. Or the fact that probably all these people quitting all the time in your business, because you don’t have a great culture. What impact does it have on your great performers, that now they’re always having to fill up, fill in the slack for the people that are missing, and then there’s a new person, and then they’re training them and they quit? That is a bad cycle of being in your business? So let’s say someone’s in that now, we haven’t faced that here at Pac-biz. But what would you say to a company that’s struggling with their culture? And they’re just trying to get it to a level where it’s not failing? Or like, maybe some of those things I mentioned, they’re facing that in their business? What would you say they could start tackling first?

Kiezia: Well, yeah, say sit down with the leaders, and then check the core. This is all starts with core values and start having the conversation. How do you strengthen that? How do you because when you have the big thing, so sit down, and it’s a start conversation and with your leaders, specifically. So that’s the first thing because we had to it, I would say that when we sit down and then check our core values compared to the because before we just had the core values returned, right, we took without without spacian of many people. And there’s such a lot of difference in terms of impact when we updated that with everybody involved.

Eric Mulvin: It’s true, because we had acronym

Kiezia: Yeah,

Eric Mulvin: you made what for the letters Pac-biz, like proactive, I forgot what the rest of I just remember proactive and I was like, Who here can repeat these core values to me who knows what they are? I didn’t even know what they were. So, you know, you can’t just go through the motions. And it has to be it has to be authentic. You know, when we talked to earlier about being your true self, you know, if you’re up there as the leader of the company, and you’re just faking it, and you’re like, Yeah, we got to make our culture better, because you’re, it’s secretly like, well, you know, I’m going to make more money this year, if we could make our turnover better, like you don’t care about the people, you’re just trying to make more money. I think people are gonna see through that, and they’re gonna know, like, this isn’t real, because when it comes time to make those investments, maybe it’s like, hey, we want to put on this event for the staff. We really think that would help the culture. And it’s like, Nope, it’s not going to fit in the budget. Well, are you really? Are you just saying that are you really believe it? And if you make any kind of announcement to the staff, like we’re going to start building our culture, but then you don’t back it up? So like you said, I mean, I’m just talking about the investment side of it. But it’s also like, every day, your all your interactions with your staff, from the leaders? How is that? Like? Are you living out those core values? Or are you saying these are our core values, but then your managers are cussing out the employees and, you know, they’re all getting treated differently, and they’re going home, feeling like a failure, because people weren’t uplifting them. They’re telling them that, you know, you don’t belong here. Or something like, you know, that compassion, that core value of ours, we live out, even in that. So it’s not just, Hey, we’re giving back to the community, it’s like this, this employee is going through something in their life, they’re struggling on the phone, it’s impacting our relationship with the client. What can we do to support this person, that’s our first thought, not throw them on the street. And so that, and those stories come out, people talk their employees talk, you know, and I think those stories spread around when they hear about good and bad, whether it’s, you’re keeping this employee that’s toxic, that should be, you know, like, wow, this person is still here. I thought they were going to be fired last month, what the heck, or, you know, I mean, whatever the story is good or bad, or vice versa. Wow. Like that employee. They, their their husband, divorced them, and they were going through all this stuff, and they got really sick. And, you know, they took a break for a couple of months. Now they’re back and they’re great. Wow, like, that’s amazing. I know, if I ever have to go through that for me personally. Attack, this is going to take care of me too. And that trust, like they know. I mean, I think again, those stories spread. So whether there are good stories that are being passed around your company or bad. I think that’s also a lesson too, like that culture. Those stories are spreading regardless. So you know, if you have a great culture, are you are you helping make good stories, the spread? Or are you having no control over those stories? And you’re letting whatever happens, so. So I can talk all day with you?

Kiezia: Yeah. Going back to that, Eric? So yeah, we got like 91% on the leadership behavior, right. So yeah, once you have your core, once you sit down with your leaders, and have it communicated, because based on our results, communication also was our top. So yeah,

Eric Mulvin: Yeah.

Kiezia: And we got

Eric Mulvin: Great advice Kiezia.

Kiezia: So that’s what makes us a great place to work and among the other aspects.

Eric Mulvin: All right. So to all you other call centers in Dumaguete listening and trying to figure out our secrets. There you go, there’s all of our secrets, gonna take care of your staff, go create some core values, make it a great place to work. I really hope everyone in the Philippines and around the world copies us, although I know it’s not gonna happen. But But I mean, we put it out there, these aren’t secrets. And I don’t think we’re not we’re not inventing anything new here, take care of your employees, like there’s companies out known all over the world for taking care of their staff. And it’s also no secret, those companies are very successful. So that’s the model we’re going after here. And you know, great place to work certification. I think it’s the it’s the second award we’ve ever won for practice. The first was this ASU 100 award behind me. But I think it’s, it’s one of the first of many more that we’re gonna get. Just because we’re just doing what we do. We’re not trying to run the company to win these awards. But I think just yeah, just by lifting up those core values by having an amazing culture, I think we we’ve got an opportunity to be recognized for building something special here. And I’m excited Keizia to be working with you to help expand this out to more of the Philippines and hopefully in the process, more companies get inspired to also run a great organization. So hopefully your work you’re doing here, maybe has a much bigger impact more than you’ll ever realize. You don’t know who’s listening and it’s gonna go and do this for their business.

Kiezia: Yeah, I just want to share this one, because you’re talking about I’m sharing with a company. So I just encountered is you don’t have to make your work revolutionary. You just have to make it every evolutionary. And that’s why we’re doing here. In fact, this is the way we get into great place to work certification is to evolve more as a company and make our culture better. So there you go.

Eric Mulvin: Awesome. So hope you guys got I think this is probably the most amount of nuggets and takeaways that we’ve ever had in a podcast. So I hope you got a lot out of this guys. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, if you like what you heard, we’re always talking about running a call center outsourcing, running great organizations, virtual assisting, customer service, customer experience. Those are kind of the things that we talk about on the show. And so if you want to hear more, please make sure to subscribe. We’re on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Google music, and through the Elliances radio show we’re on 50 other podcast channels, so you could find us everywhere and anywhere the contact center cactus chat. So Kiezia thanks again for sitting down with me today and sharing with our listeners hear this awesome news about the Great Place to Work certification for packages. And and yeah, I’m excited to have you again on in the future. I’m sure we’ll have plenty more to talk about as Pac-biz grows. And we we help build continue our work of building the culture here at Pakman. So

Kiezia: Yeah, thank you, Eric. This has been a great chat with you.

Eric Mulvin: All right, awesome. So again, hit that subscribe button, and we’ll catch you in the next episode. We’ll be back with more stories for the rest of 2023. So thanks for watching and listening and we’ll see you on the next episode.